Term of Use

These Terms of Use govern your use of our services and APK-VERSION.ru (the "Site"). Please read them carefully before accessing the website. Disclaimer APK-VERSION.ru is an independent entity and is not affiliated with Google, Google Play or Android. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. All applications and games are the property and trademarks of their respective developers or publishers, intended for personal use only. APK-VERSION.ru distributes the original APK files for free applications and does not support cheats, unlimited gold patches or any other modifications. Agreement By using our site, you agree to these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions without notice, so please check back regularly.

  1. Restrictions on Use All content on our site is copyrighted and owned by us or our licensor. You may not use, reproduce or distribute this content in violation of these terms and conditions or applicable laws. You may use our site for personal use only and must not harm us or others. Unlawful or illegal use is prohibited.
  2. Links to Third Party Sites We may provide links to third party sites outside of our control. By clicking on these links, you acknowledge that APK-VERSION.co.uk is not responsible for their content or services.
  3. Electronic Communication Communication with us may be done by electronic means. You agree to receive electronic communications from us.
  4. Policy Limitations You agree not to damage our site or interfere with its use. We are not responsible for incompatibilities between our site and third party sites.
  5. Отказ от ответственности Наш сайт, контент и услуги предоставляются “как есть” без гарантий. Мы не гарантируем бесперебойную или безошибочную работу и не несем ответственности за ущерб, возникший вследствие вашего использования.
  6. Indemnity You agree to indemnify us for any losses incurred as a result of your breach of these terms and conditions or use of our site.
  7. Limitation of Liability We are not liable for direct, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the use of our site. Our total liability will not exceed $100.
  8. General Terms We reserve the right to modify or discontinue our site at any time. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the State of Arkansas, USA.
  9. Data Deletion To request data deletion, contact us at [email protected] с пометкой “Удаление данных” и укажите свои данные.
  10. Questions or Comments For any questions or feedback, please contact us at [email protected]. To get support related to APK-VERSION Android app